Email marketing is a form of direct marketing which uses electronic mail as a means of communicating commercial or fund-raising messages to an audience. In its broadest sense, every email sent to a potential or current customer could be considered email marketing. However, the term is usually used to refer to:
· Sending email messages with the purpose of enhancing the relationship of a merchant with its current or previous customers, to encourage customer loyalty and repeat business,
· Sending email messages with the purpose of acquiring new customers or convincing current customers to purchase something immediately,
· Adding advertisements to email messages sent by other companies to their customers, and
· Sending email messages over the internet as email did and does exist outside the internet (e.g., network email and FIDO).
PDF Search Result:
Email marketing is a perfect medium to pick up where other marketing leaves ..... to customers in a user friendly and widely accepted format, such as a PDF. ...
As a leader in direct marketing with more experience in developing and managing successful email list launches than anyone ...
Successful email marketing is more than setting up a distribution list in Outlook ... Successful email marketing is a strategic process that can and will: ... - -
Successful Email Marketing. With virtually every U.S. business and 97% of households using email regularly, email campaigns are becoming a larger ...
just beginning to explore options for email marketing, you'll see that pretty much every email ... On the other hand, Marketo offers email marketers a ...
e-promotional and advertising campaign performance including e-mail marketing, traditional direct mail, and internet advertising. • Web site success ...